La Louisiana en Couleur Art Exhibit In Brittany, France.
Poster for the Exhibition in Gourin.
I was in Brittany, France this summer for my art exhibition at Chateau de Tronjoly in Gourin. The show was called La Louisiana en Couleur. I created a collection of colorful original work with a focus on the environment of Cajun Country. It was a pleasure to represent our Cajun heritage in the place of it’s birth.
Chateau de Tronjoly
Le Chateau de Tronjoly in Gourin, Britany was the venue for the art show which featured ten artists for the Summer season. I was the only American artist represented. Most of my close friends attended the exhibit and made me feel at home. All of the other artists were from Brittany and also had a focus on animals and the natural themes of Brittany. It was a great pleasure to take part in this year’s exhibit.
Artist Bryan Theriot in Gourin, France
Artists in Brittany usually have a focus on the preservation of the Breton culture and language. The Celtic origins of the Breton culture explains why these artist have such a love for the landscape and wildlife that makes Brittany so unique from the rest of France. It was a great fit for me to be around other militant activists who have dedicated their careers to the preservation of such an old culture.