Inspired by Heritage


Gallery Acadie began life as the idea of artist Bryan Theriot It started as a studio space to create artwork that reflected the Cajun culture and to created unions with other French cultures from around the world. 

By involving local musicians, scholars and creatives as well as organizations from French Canada and Bretagne, the gallery has become a rally point for the Acadian culture. Creating clothing lines and artwork has helped to turn Gallery Acadie into the most creative space for all things real Cajun


French-Friendly Practices

Gallery Acadie is home to French speaking events and hosts many tours from Canada and France. Most of our artwork and clothing is local French themed. 


Stellar Culture and Products

All of our products are created, designed and produced here at Gallery Acadie. All of our products are 100% Cajun. Our mission is to preserve our heritage and have fun doing while we do it.

Giving Back

Gallery Acadie holds French table programs and helps to raise money to support French in education and the home. With brands like Defend Our Basin we also raise money for the preservation of the environment which is an important part of our identity.